所在栏目:FACULTY作者: 发布者:哲学学院发布时间:2024-07-17浏览次数:13

Basic Information

PENG, Yang: born in 1983, male, PhD, Associate Professor of School of Philosophy in Guizhou University

◆Educational Background

2003.9—2007.7 got Bachelor Degree of Arts in Journalism from School of Journalism and Communication in Lanzhou University,

2010.9—2013.7 got Master Degree of Philosophy in Foreign Philosophy from School of Philosophy and Sociology in Lanzhou University,

2013.10—2020.10 pursued Doctor Degree at Husserl Archives in Freiburg University with award from China Schorlarship Council (CSC) and got Doctor Degree of Philosophy.

From 2021.07 until now, doing the postdoctoral research at mobile postdoctoral station of School of Philosophy in Heilongjiang University.

◆Work Experience

200708200902 Photojournalist of Shanxi Branch of Xinhua News Agency,

202104202211 Associate Professor of School of Philosophy in Heilongjiang University,

From 2022. 12 until now, Associate Professor of School of Philosophy in Guizhou University.

◆Main Research Areas

Phenomenology; Science, Technology ans Society (STS); focusing mainly on the problem of time and technology, meanwhile paying close attention to the related problem of ethics.

◆Selected Works

1. Monograph:

Entstehen und Erstarren: Das Differezieren und Identifizieren in Husserls ZeitphänomenologieLogos Verlag Berlin, 2021.

2. Articles:

1) Time as direction and infinity—A phenomenological deconstruction of the “Place” concept in Aristoteles’ Physics, in Philosophical Analysis (CSSCI), Vol. 10, No. 2, Apr. 2019.

2) The dilemma of formalized timeOn the problematique in Husserl’s phenomenology of time, in Journal of Central South University (Social Science) (CSSCI), Vol. 29, No. 2, Mar. 2023.

3) On Spengler’s thoughts of time and space, in Chinese Journal ofGerman Philosophy (CSSCI),  Vol. 41, No. 1, 2022.

4) Technics as the Tactics of LivingOn Spengler’s Thoughts of Technics, in in Chinese Journal ofGerman Philosophy (CSSCI),  Vol. 45, No. 1, 2024.

5) The Interaction Between Idea and Technology: Expansion of Vision and Miracle of Glass, in Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology (Social Science), Vol. 37, No. 3, May 2022.

6)  Ear and Mouth, Eye and Hand: The Visioncentralism and the Auditioncentralism Refracted by the Debate on Breathing Mask between China and Western Countries, in Academia Ethica, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021.

◆Academic Project

Participant of “Emerging Enhancement Technology under Perspective of Humanistic Philosophy”(20&ZD045)—the Major Projects of the National Social Science Fund of China,