所在栏目:Section of Logic作者: 发布者:哲学学院发布时间:2024-07-17浏览次数:13



Citizenship: China

Email: soul21@163.com

CURRENT  POSITION: Lecture in  Philosophy College,  Guizhou University, China.



·     PhD  in Philosophy, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2020

·     M.A. in Philosophy, Southwest University, Chongqing, 2011



My academic research mainly focuses on formal logic, including mathematical logic, modal logic, dynamic epistemic logic, etc. My research interest  and publications cover the interdisciplinary research fields of logic, philosophy, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and social psychology of groups. I am mainly dedicated to using tools of logic to study and explore the cognitive interaction and impact of groups in social psychology, and to explore the application of logic in the direction of artificial intelligence.


·      Master course Modal Logic

·      Mastercourse Logic and Critical Thinking

·      Undergraduate course Logic

·      Undergraduate courseMathematical Logic 

·      Undergraduate course Critical Thinking


The principal investigator for the National Social Science Fund Western Project Community Epistemic Logic and Its Applications (21XZX005)


1. Zhen, Liang. An Axiomatisation for Minimal Social Epistemic Logic.  International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017.

2.  Zhen  Liang  and  Xiangdong  He,  《社会群体中的偏好逻辑》(<The  Dynamic    Preference Logic in the Community>), Studies in Logic, Volume4, Number2, June    2011, P68-80.

3.  Zhen Liang and Jeremy SELIGMAN,  ‘A logical model of the dynamics of peer   pressure’,  Electronic  Notes  in  Theoretical  Computer  Science,  Volume  278,  3 November  2011,  Pages  275-288,  ISSN  1571-0661,  10.1016/j.entcs.2011.10.021. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571066111001496)

4.  Zhen  Liang  and  Jeremy  SELIGMAN,  'The  dynamics  of  peer  pressure'  In:  van Ditmarsch,   H.;   Lang,   J.;   Ju,   S.   (eds.)   Logic,   Rationality,   and   Interaction, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop (LORI 3), Springer LNCS 6953, pp. 390-391, 2011


1.  <A Two-Tiered Preference Upgrade of Community >, Presented at XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Rome, Aug 2024

2.  <An Axiomatisation for Minimal Social Epistemic Logic>, Presented at LORI VI, Sapporo, Japan, October 2017

2.《社会群体中的偏好逻辑》(<The Dynamic  Preference  Logic in the Community>),  Presented  at  the  2nd  National  Conference  on  Epistemic  Science, Chongqing, China, 2010

3.  <The  Dynamic  Preference Logic  in the Community>,  Presented  at  SELLC,  Guangzhou, China, 2010

4.  <The Dynamics of Peer Pressure>, Presented at the Third International Workshop  LORI, Guangzhou, China, October 2011